Predefined PDF Tags

The following tags are predefined in tagged PDF.

Bibliography Entry
Block Quote
Heading Level 1
Heading Level 2
Heading Level 3
Heading Level 4
Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6
List Item
List Item Body
Table Data Cell
Table Header Cell
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Item
Table Row


Excerpted from Creating Accessible PDF Documents with Adobe Acrobat 7.0: A Guide for Publishing PDF Documents for Use by People with Disabilities, Appendix A (PDF), © 2005 Adobe Systems.

The following standard Adobe element tag types appear in the New Tag submenu in the Tags tab Options menu, as well as in the Tag Type pop-up menu in the TouchUp Properties dialog box.

Block-level elements

All page elements that consist of text laid out in paragraph-like forms are referred to as block-level elements. All block-level elements are part of the document’s logical structure and are represented in the tag tree. Such elements can be further classified as container elements, special text elements, heading and paragraph elements, and label and list elements.

Container elements

These are the highest level of elements and provide grouping of other block-level elements:

Division element <Div>
A generic block-level element or group of block-level elements
Section element <Sect>
A general container element type, comparable to Division (DIV Class="Sect") in HTML, which is usually a component of a part element or an article element
Article element <Art>
A self-contained body of text considered to be a single narrative
Part element <Part>
A part element defines a large division of a document, and may group smaller divisions together, such as article elements, division elements, or section elements
Document element <Document>
The root element of a document’s tag tree

Special text elements

These elements identify text that is not used in a narrative paragraph:

Block quote element <BlockQuote>
One or more paragraphs of text attributed to someone other than the author of the immediate surrounding text.
Caption element <Caption>
A brief portion of text that describes a table or a figure. A caption element is different from a label element, which identifies but does not describe a table or a figure.
Index element <Index>
A sequence of entries that contain identifying text and reference elements that point out the occurrence of the text in the main body of the document.
Table of contents element <TOC>
An element that contains a structured list of items and labels identifying those items. A table of contents element has its own discrete hierarchy.
Table of contents item element <TOCI>
An item contained in a list associated with a table of contents element.

Heading and paragraph elements

These are paragraph-like block-level elements that include specific level headings and generic paragraphs <P>. A heading element <H> should appear as the first child of any higher level division. Six levels of headings <H1><H6> are available for applications that don’t hierarchically nest sections.

Label and list elements

These block-level elements are used for structuring lists:

List element <L>
A list can be any sequence of items of similar meaning or other relevance.
List item element <LI>
Any one member of a List. The immediate child elements of a list element should be list item elements. A list item element may have a label element (optional) and a label body element (required) as a child.
Label element <LBL>
A label can be a bullet, name, or number that identifies and distinguishes an element from others in the same list.
List body element <LBody>
The descriptive content of a list item

Table elements

These are special structural elements for structuring tables:

Table element <Table>
A table is a two-dimensional arrangement of data or text cells that contains table row elements as children and may have a caption element as its first or last child element.
Table row element <TR>
One row of headings or data in a table. A table row element may contain table header cell elements and table data cell elements.
Table data cell element <TD>
A table cell that contains non-header data.
Table header cell element <TH>
A table cell that contains header text or data describing one or more rows or columns of a table.

Inline-level elements

Inline-level elements are used to identify a span of text having specific styling or behavior. They are differentiated from block-level elements, and may be contained in or contain block-level elements. The standard inline-level elements are:

Bibliography entry element <BibEntry>
A description of where some cited information may be found, which may contain a label element as a child element.
Quote entry element <Quote>
An inline portion of text attributed to someone other than the author of the text surrounding it. It is different from a block quote, which is a whole paragraph or multiple paragraphs, as opposed to inline text.
Span entry element <Span>
Any inline segment of text. A common use of a span entry element is to delimit text associated with a given set of styling properties.

Special inline-level elements

Similar to inline-level elements, these elements are used to describe an inline portion of text that has special styling or behavior:

Code entry element <Code>
Computer program text embedded within a document
Figure entry element <Figure>
A graphic or graphic representation associated with text
Form entry element <Form>
A PDF form annotation that can be or has been filled out
Formula entry element <Formula>
A mathematical formula
Link entry element <Link>
A hypertext link embedded within a document associated with a PDF link annotation that goes to another place in the same document or another document
Note entry element <Note>
Explanatory text, such as a footnote or endnote, that is referred to in the main body of text
Reference entry element <Reference>
A citation to text or data found elsewhere in the document

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